Reflecting over the last several days, I've been on the receiving end of encouragement. Not knowing it was just what I needed, it came at just the right moments, unexpectedly. It lifted my heart and added wind under my wings.
There is a gifting to the church called "exhortation". "The Greek word parakletos, means to exhort, come alongside of, comfort or encourage. The Holy Spirit is referred to as our Paraclete in John 14:16, as the One who comes alongside the believer to comfort and help in times of need." -
There are believers who God has gifted to encourage the church. The church being the people of God, me, you, us - the body of Christ. This encouragement comes through time together (or the Ministry of Presence), encouraging words, letters, laughter, prayers, etc.
It is a beautiful gift! The wonderful part is that each of us has the capacity to walk fully in this gift by just being compassionate and empathetic. There may be others of you who are especially gifted in encouragement. Wherever you find yourself, respond to the great need for encouragement today.
Be free and bold to love. Allow this gift to flow in your life. I am so thankful for those who have encouraged me. It has made all the difference in my life and ministry.
Restful Insight
Did you know that encouraging someone reduces anxiety and stress, helps shift perspectives and expectations? It builds faith and hope. It can literally be the life jacket for a burnt-out soul or a broken heart.
Restful Response
Choose today to let your mouth be filled with edifying, uplifting words. Direct those words towards yourself and the world around you. Let the Holy Spirit use you as the sooth balm to bring rest, peace, and grace into your circumstances and those around you.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. ~ Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let's Pray
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the Holy Spirit who you sent to help, comfort and encourage us. We ask now that you empower us all to excel in this gift. Open our eyes to the needs of others. At the right moment, give us words that build up and heal. Entrust us with the resources to freely give to those who are in need. We thank you now for the encouragement we have and will continue to receive, and for the encouragement we will give. All for your glory! In Jesus Name. Amen.